Spice, of the Martian rebel organization "Dragon Claw," possesses both excellent fighting skills and access to unbeatable firepower. She and the team she leads are all headaches for the Martian government, who has put astronomical bounties on their heads. When this freedom fighter received the Observer's call, she did not hesitate to become a Quantaar hero. Spice saw it as an opportunity to fight for the highest honor and represent her organization and the people of Mars.
Home World
Favorite Food
Jalapeño Poppers
Dragon Claw (Martian Rebel)
Martian Human
180 CM / 60KG
Spice, of the Martian rebel organization "Dragon Claw," possesses both excellent fighting skills and access to ubeatable firepower. She and the team she leads are all headaches for the Martian government, who has put astronomical bounties on their heads. When this freedom fighter recieved the Observer's call, she did not hesitate to become a Quantaar hero. Spice saw it as an opportunity to fight for the highest honor and represent her organization and the people of Mars.
One of the development projects of Absurd Earth in the 22nd century was the cosmic colonization project. A large number of Earth people successfully moved to Mars and developed it into a habitable planet. But Spice and her people were among those who fell out of favor with the Martian government. Because of their race, class, identity, or other "undesirable" qualities, they were exiled from the technological metropolis established by the Martian government like a gang of robbers and criminals. They were left with only old and abandoned colonies and scarce resources. But this only led to Spice and her people forging themselves into a strong and diverse ethnic group.
At first, they created a community of their own, where they lived freely and happily. Many people who yearned for true freedom were also influenced by their ideas and joined them. Gradually, they established a lively, ordinary, happy, and peaceful way of life, which was the environment in which Spice grew up. But the prosperity of this paradise did not last long. The Martian government intervened, spreading rumors and panic, and sent agents to sabotage and cause unrest.
They began mass arrests, which included Spice's parents. The utopia beyond the Great Martian Wall was destroyed overnight, and hundreds were displaced. An aggrieved group rose up, determined to organize an armed defense to protect the remnants of their paradise. They called themselves Dragon Claw, and declared war on the Martian government. Spice, who lost both of her parents to the Martian crackdowns, also joined them. After that, Dragon Claw fought for many years outside the Great Martian Wall against countless soldiers and spies. Over the years, they became battle-hardened elite and Spice rose to take her place as their leader.